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Ava Find Professional Setup Free: Tips and Tricks to Optimize Your Search Experience

Ava Find is what as known as a 'scout bot'. This essentially signifies that it is commonly used to encounter files within a hard drive that would otherwise be difficult to find. It is therefore possible to save a great deal of time as opposed to manually scanning multiple folders and hard drive destinations. The basic version is free to download.

Ava Find Professional Setup Free

Ava Find speeds up your daily computing experience by letting you find any file on your computer instantly. Open music and video files from any folder using convenient one-click browse buttons. Ava Find can list folders by size instantly, making hard-drive cleanup simple and easy. The Scout Bot feature lets you discover newly downloaded files instantly without the need to run a search. Ava Find includes free search functionality and includes a 30-day preview of Ava Find Professional features, such as the Scout Bot.

Ava Find speeds up your daily computing experience by letting you find any file on your computer instantly. Open music and video files from any folder using convenient one-click browse buttons. Ava Find can list folders by size instantly, making hard-drive cleanup simple and easy. Ava Find is an application that allows you to find files instantly and find new files automatically. Features and Benefits: From the one-of-a-kind Scout Bot to the incredibly fast searches, Ava Find provides unparalleled companionship for your everyday computing tasks. Scout Bot * Find newly downloaded files without having to go through layers of folders. * Find documents you just saved: Didn't pay attention to where you saved it? Not a problem if you have Ava Find. (screenshot) Search * Instantly find any file or folder on the computer by name. * Browse Music and Videos: avoid having to go through media folders one by one. * My Picks shows files recently opened using Ava Find. Frequently used items can be pinned to the top of the list. * Search network drives: find files in shared folders from other Windows computers on your network. (Ava Find Professional edition only, not included in free trial) * Block folders: See only the files you want to see. * Save search results: create a file listing for printing or any other need. (Ava Find Professional edition only) * Advanced Name Search: Match file names using * and ? wildcards. File Management * Clean up your hard drive: Show All Files lets you find large files or folders taking up space on the computer. (Ava Find Professional edition only) * Instant folder sizes: Folders are shown with their sizes next to them. No longer do you have to go into each folder's Properties and wait for Windows Explorer to calculate the folder size. * Windows Explorer file actions: Same right-click menu options for each file as in Windows Explorer. (Ava Find Professional edition only)

Minimum SpecificationsMinimum Specifications are suggestions only, and may change at any time.We highly encourage you to try the free DEMO to determine if the plugins work on your setup.

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