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Drama Play Scripts: A Guide for Writers and Directors


Find a great selection of stage play drama scripts in English for performance on stage or for reading. A dramatic play script has essential elements, including comedy, tragedy, portraying characters telling a story involving conflicts and emotions through action and dialogue.

Drama Play Scripts

Papito is a ten-page short play addressing parentification, specifically how a young man who grows up without a father assumes the partnership role with his mother and has difficulty establishing a healthy partnership with a significant other. The narrator, Zoe, is that significant other who is frustrated with her domineering mother-in-law and her husband who refuses to establish needed boundaries for his mom.

Two women, one white and one black, meet as a result of an accident involving one of their sons. In this pre-trial. they each make unexpected discoveries that reveal the role that race and gender play in our society.

Broken Dolls tells the fictional stories of women- both international and domestic- who have been trafficked for sex work, domestic labor, hotel work, and agricultural work. Taking place in a waiting room at a social service facility, the play revolves around five female survivors of human trafficking who cross paths. Entrapped and isolated, five women come together to weave their narratives in a mix of monologue and dialogue, merging reality and memories of coping and longing.

* Performance rights are only granted after the required number of scripts have been purchased. * The minimum required number of scripts is your cast size + 2. These may be purchased as either (1) hardcopies (printed) OR (2) as a downloadable, printable PDF, and you print enough copies for your cast & crew.

SCHOOLPLAY, Children's Christmas Musical Play.AChristmas CinderellaSCHOOLPLAY, Children's Christmas Musical Play.AChristmas Peter PanSCHOOLPLAY, Children's Christmas Musical Play.AChristmas Wizard of OzSCHOOLPLAY, Children's Christmas Musical Play.ASnow White ChristmasSCHOOLPLAY, Children's Christmas Musical Play.AThousand Cranes (small)DramaticPlay, Small Cast, Sadako & paper cranes.AThousand Cranes (medium)ONEACT PLAY, Medium Cast, Sadako & cranes.AThousand Cranes (large)SCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Aladdin(small)Children'sPlay, Small Cast, audience participation.Aladdin(medium)ONEACT PLAY, Medium Cast Version.Aladdin(large)SCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Alicein Christmas LandSCHOOLPLAY, Children's Christmas Musical Play.Alicein Wonderland (small)Children'sPlay, Small Cast, audience participation.Alicein Wonderland (medium)Children'sPlay, Medium Cast, Mid/High School.Alicein Wonderland (large)SCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.AmeliaEarhartONEACT PLAY, Small Cast, Amelia's life, flight.AnnieOakleyONEACT PLAY, Small Cast, Annie's life.Beautyand the Beast (small)Children'sPlay, Small Cast, audience participation.Beautyand the Beast (large)SCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.BlueHorsesChildren'sPlay, Small Cast, children's dreams.ChoosingSides for BasketballChildren'sPlay, Small Cast, self-esteem play.CinderellaSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Emperor'sNew Clothes, The (small)Children'sPlay, Small Cast, audience participation.Emperor'sNew Clothes, The (large)SCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Hanseland GretelChildren'sPlay, Small Cast, audience participation.HarrietTubman NEWSCHOOLPLAY, Children's Musical Play!HauntedHousesChildren'sPlay, kids tell haunting real life stories.IThink I CanChildren'sMusical Play, confidence, self-esteem.I'ma Celebrity!Children'sMusical Play, confidence, self-esteem.IslandSonChildren'sPlay, boy on an enchanted island.Jackand the Beanstalk (small)Children'sPlay, Small Cast, audience participation.Jackand the Beanstalk (large)SCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.JungleBook, The NEWSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.KidFrankenstein NEWSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Knightsof the Round TableONEACT PLAY, Small & Medium, King Arthur.LauraIngalls WilderONEACT PLAY, Small & Medium, Author's life.Legendof Mulan, The NEWSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Legendof Sleepy Hollow, The (small)ONEACT PLAY, Hilarious Halloween Comedy.Legendof Sleepy Hollow, The (large)SCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Legendof the Trouble DollsDramaticPlay, Central American legend.Lewisand ClarkDramaticPlay, A Bicentennial of Discovery.LittleMermaid, TheSCHOOLPLAY, Children's Musical Play!MarkTwain Show, TheONEACT PLAY, Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn & more.Mountainsare a FeelingSmallCast, Appalachian stories and folk tales.NutcrackerPrince, The NEWSCHOOLPLAY,Children's Christmas Play.PeterPanSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Pinocchio(small)Children'sPlay, Small Cast, audience participation.Pinocchio(large)SCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Poe!Poe! Poe!ONEACT PLAY, Edgar Allan Poe drama, writings.Princessand the Pea, TheFullLength, Large Cast, for Jr & Sr High Actors.RedBadge of Courage, TheONEACT PLAY, Small Cast, Classic, Civil War.ReluctantDragon, TheSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.RobinHoodChildren'sPlay, Small Cast, audience participation.RumpelstiltskinChildren'sPlay, Small Cast, audience participation.Shakespeareto Go!ONEACT PLAY, Scenes from the Bard for kids.ShiningMoment, TheONEACT PLAY, Drama, grandfather's last gift.SleepingBeautySCHOOLPLAY, Children's Musical Play.SnowWhite & the Seven DwarfsSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Swordin the Stone, TheChildren'sPlay, Small & Medium, participation.ThomasEdisonONEACT PLAY, Small Cast, Inventor's life.TimeMachine, TheChildren'sPlay, Children hitch a ride to future.Trailof TearsONEACT PLAY, Cherokee removal from homeland.TreasureIslandSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Twasthe Night Before ChristmasSCHOOLPLAY, Children's Christmas Musical Play.VelveteenRabbit, TheSCHOOLPLAY, Children's Christmas Musical Play.VeryBestest Christmas Present, TheChildren'sChristmas Musical Play! Christmas skit!WeAre The DreamSCHOOLPLAY - Life of Martin Luther King, Jr.WelcomeHome ONEACT PLAY, Vietnam Veteran's memories.WhyDo Heroes Have Big Feet?SmallCast, Tall Tales, Midwest stories, poems.Winnie-the-Pooh BRANDNEWSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Wizardof Oz, TheSCHOOLPLAY, Large Cast for young performers.Wizardof Oz Spanish VersionSCHOOLPLAY, Bilingual Spanish-English version.Yearningto Breathe FreeONEACT PLAY, Caribbean boy comes to America.YouDon't See MeDramaticChildren's Play, girl's triumph over grief.YoungCherokeeChildren'sPlay, Cherokee life, culture & myths.

LargeCast Children's Christmas Musical PlaysSchoolPlays for Holidays - Christmas Musical Plays for Kids Ourlarge cast Christmas plays are great for your special Holidayprogram. Joyousand fun for schools, churches and families with traditionalChristmas songs that everyone can sing and enjoy. All arewritten for kids to perform.AChristmas Carol (35+)

SchoolPlays (large casts of young performers)Ourlarge cast plays and musicals are great for elementary and primaryschool students (grades K-6). They are especially written for youngperformers with simple, easy to memorize dialogue and flexiblecasting so all your kids can join in the fun.AChristmas Carol (35+)

TouringPlays (small casts of older performers)Ourtouring plays are written for small casts, require minimal tech, andare excellent for Middle School and High School aged performers.Every play has been professionally produced, is a proven success, andseveral won Awards from the National Endowment for the Arts and theOhio Arts Council.AThousand Cranes (3+)

Medium(Expanded) Cast Plays (in addition to touring)Thesescripts are expanded versions of our most successful smallcast touring plays. They are suitable for more elaborate mainstagetype productions when it's practical to use more actors.AThousand Cranes (13+)

LargeCast Children's Christmas Musical PlaysSchoolPlays for Holidays! Christmas Musical Plays for Kids! Ourlarge cast Christmas plays are great for your special Holidayprogram. Joyousand fun for schools, churches and families with traditionalChristmas songs that everyone can sing and enjoy. All arewritten for kids to perform.AChristmas Carol

The last scene takes place at Trieste station with the arrest of the Doctor and Frau Kummer, but not the Baroness. We understand more about why other passengers were reluctant to confirm that they had seen Miss Froy. And the play ends with a happy outcome for Max and Iris.

While there are technically 61 scenes in the screenplay, almost every heading is listed as CONTINUOUS. When reading, pay attention to how the ending of each moment directly connects to the next, and notice the urgency of the tone as we follow the lead characters every step of the way. 2ff7e9595c

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